Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Let's Start With the Basics

My name is Keely. I'm a 21 year old SAHM to a lovely 4 month old baby boy, Spencer. He was born on January 9th by repeat csection. He is my rainbow, my pride & joy. I never thought I could love another baby after losing my daughter to Anencephaly in 2011, but I was very wrong. It's been a long, emotional, and trying journey from hearing my daughter's diagnosis to now, but I believe it has helped me become a better mother, a better person even.

I would describe my parenting style as pretty much crunchy. I practice "attachment parenting" I suppose you'd say. I don't follow any guidelines or rules however, I just do what comes naturally or what ever feels right for my family & me. So far so good!

I babywear, sometimes cloth diaper, breastfeed (and plan to for however long it takes him to naturally wean himself), & I don't let my baby cry it out. Judging people and their parenting styles is NOT what I am here for, I don't care how you parent as long as your baby is happy, healthy & safe. Yes, I do advocate the things I believe in, so if you are offended by anything I stand for, I suggest NOT reading this blog!

I suppose that is all for my first post. I'm very new to this so it may take me awhile to catch on!

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